Roy Wall, Guild President, opened the October meeting by welcoming new members and guests. There are several members who had various tools for sale and details would be coming out later in the week. Be watching for an email from the LSWG mailbox with the details.
Roy also spent time reminding all of us of those members we lost this year. He talked about how precious life is and how blessed we all are to have a supporting community of craftsmen and women that are willing to share their skills and knowledge with the members of the guild.
Roy announced that Randy Stone will be adding a new page to the guild website in January specifically for instructional videos created by our membership. Several videos for Larry Mcferren, Jay Helland and others will be located there. The new page is scheduled to be available by the January Guild meeting.
2024 Membership Dues
We are now collecting dues for 2024 and the dues remain at $20 for 2024. If you haven’t had your picture taken for our membership directory, please see Roy Wall, Phil Morgan or Randy Stone at a future meeting.

The month of December was dedicated to the craftsmanship of the guild members so no program was scheduled. The theme of the Show & Tell was Gifts, Gadgets and Gizmos and the membership did not disappoint. Some of their work can be viewed here.