Phil Morgan, Guild Vice President, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and recognizing the visitors. We had 66 attendees this month, including 2 new members and one visitor. In keeping with the holiday spirit, Guild members were treated to Christmas cookies in addition to the regular coffee and cookies.
Dues – We still have a large number of members who have not paid there 2025 dues. Dues are still just $20.00 for 2025.
Photos – We have over 40 members for whom we don’t have a photo in our online member directory. Having a photo in the directory is important because not all our members will remember a person’s name, but they will remember what you look like and can find you in the directory, provided we have your photo.
This month featured a year-in-review and prize event. Phil Morgan served as the master of ceremonies, guiding us through a recap of the year’s fascinating programs and showcasing the great tools and gadgets he discovered and presented during the “Phil’s Finds” segment of our monthly meetings. Amidst the show-and-tell activities, where our members once again displayed their incredible talent, Bob Pressley drew tickets for prizes, allowing winners to select an item from the table of donated goods.