The February 2022 Lee’s Summit Woodworkers guild meeting had another excellent turn out with well over 40 members in the room and another 10 to 15 joining remotely via Zoom.
The Colburn Road Library has offered up a glass cabinet for the members to display some of their work and many members brought in some of their work or brought photo displays for those pieces too big for the display. While loading the cabinet we had several library patrons stop by to marvel at the craftsmanship and ask questions.
2022 Membership Dues
If you haven’t paid your 2022 dues yet, please see John Freeland. Also, if you haven’t had your picture taken for our new membership directory, please see Phil Morgan at a future meeting. If you have paid your dues and still don’t have access to the members only portion of the Guild website, please use the “Contact Us” link on the top right side of the webpage to send us a note.

Phil shared with the members a high-quality small carpenter square that has more features that a similar one made by a name brand company but for almost half the price. The DFM brand carpenter square comes in 3 colors and can be ordered from Amazon. At only $44.43 it is an excellent find.
This month’s presentation was by our own Bob LaDue

Bob talked to the guild members about Shaker boxes, where they originated and how long they have been around. He brought in some of the forms that he uses to make the boxes and went into detail about what you have to watch for when selecting the wood and which way the wood naturally wants to bend when removing it from the hot water to set it on the forms. Bob also went into detail on how the bottoms and tops of the Shaker boxes are set into the sides and secured using toothpicks. It was a very interesting presentation and will be available for members of the Guild to view in the Members Only section of the site in the coming days.
The members once again brought is some fabulous creations for show and tell and showed us all just what a talented membership we have. We are very blessed to be in the company of so many talented men and women. Some of their work can be viewed in the 2022 Gallery here or at our FaceBook page here.