Roy Wall, Guild President, opened the first meeting of 2024 by welcoming new members and guests. During the meeting, several members offered various tools for sale, with the proceeds going toward the “Tools For Teens” program.
The guild leadership is encouraging members to explore projects beyond their comfort zone—venturing into uncharted territory. To facilitate this, we’re introducing a special table at every meeting this year called ‘Explore More’. This table will serve as a platform to showcase these novel projects during the Show and Tell segment of our guild meetings.
Additionally, Randy Stone introduced a new feature on the guild website in January: an instructional videos page created by our membership. This page features videos from Larry Mcferren, Jay Helland, and others. All guild members can access these videos through the Members Only section of the website.
2024 Membership Dues
We are now collecting dues for 2024 and the dues remain at $20 for 2024. If you haven’t had your picture taken for our membership directory, please see Roy Wall, Phil Morgan or Randy Stone at a future meeting.

David Clark, during a captivating program, delved into the intricate world of timber frame joinery. He explored various types of joinery and their application in the timber framing process. Additionally, David shared a video featuring himself and Jay Helland interviewing Cameron Clover, who is currently constructing a Timber Frame home. In the interview, Cameron provided insights into the tools he employs for cutting joints and the specialized rigging necessary for moving trusses within his workshop single-handedly. You can watch the interview video here
The guild members once again showcased their remarkable creations and shared the stories of how they brought these projects to life with fellow members. Jay Helland presented a video featuring a wall-hanging tool chest crafted by fellow guild member Randy Stone. You can watch the video here and explore pictures of the other Show and Tell projects here.