The first Lee’s Summit Woodworkers guild meeting of 2022 had an excellent turn out, over 40 members in the room and another 24 joining remotely via Zoom.
Roy Wall, Guild president, briefed that the Colburn Road Library has offered up a glass cabinet for the members to display some of their work and wanted to know if any of the members would be interested. Roy explained that this would be a good way for patrons of the library to learn about our guild and see some of the skill and craftsmanship of our members.
2022 Membership Dues
If you haven’t paid your 2022 dues yet, please see John Freeland. Also, if you haven’t had your picture taken for our new membership directory, please see Phil Morgan at a future meeting.
Phil brought in some Rockler Tadpole Tape Cutters and demonstrated their versatility. The Tadpole Tape Cutter is a simple, lightweight tool that attaches to just about any roll of tape, letting you cut off any length you need, neatly and squarely. It’s an excellent sidekick for painting jobs where you need nice square ends to meet at an inside corner when taping window glass, for example. In addition, the Tadpole features retainers that keep the tape end from returning to the roll and getting stuck. The Tadpole Tape Cutter is available in a range of sizes to fit masking tape, scotch tape, electrical, duct tape, packing tape and more. Say goodbye to that bulky tape gun and hello to the convenience of the Tadpole.
This month’s presentation was by Mr. Mike Cobb from WoodButcher tool sales
Mr. Mike Cobb stopped by the Lee’s Summit woodworker’s guild meeting to talk to the members about his very unique business in helping families when either a fellow woodworker has passed away or is in need of downsizing. Mike’s over 40 years of experience in selling tools with Delta, Woodcraft and for the last 20 years’ operating his tool estate sale business make him uniquely qualified to help families get a fair price for their tools. Mike described for the members his processes, that he only sells woodworking tools and provided valuable insights as to what sells and what doesn’t. He also described for the members what he looks for in tools when he is estimating their value and gave everyone valuable tips when assessing their own tools. If anyone would like to be added to the sales notification email Mike sends out just before each sale or would like to contact him regarding his services, he can be reached at
The members once again brought is some fabulous creations for show and tell and showed us all just what a talented membership we have. We are very blessed to be in the company of so many talented men and women. Some of their work can be viewed here.
Look forward to seeing everyone on February 10th.