President Roy Wall called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
- General comments included comments regarding Yearly Dues for 2018 are being collected and are $20. Dues for members receiving paper copies is $25.
- Charitable Project-Thanks to those that have supported the Tools for Teens program. $5 of our dues annually support this program.
- Shop Tours- At present we are looking for members who would like to have their shops participate in a virtual shop tour. This would then be used as a presentation at a future guild meeting.
- Guild Loco Shirts-Has can be ordered by seeing Mel Bryant.
- Picture Rooster-Please let leadership know if your picture has not been included in the Picture Rooster.
- Field Trips-make leadership aware of any ideas for future field trips that could benefit the general membership.
- Meeting Notices-inclement weather cancellations will be reported on Chanel 41
- Guests/Visitors-Attendance was 76. Guests are encouraged to sign in on the registry and will receive a copy of the newsletter.
- Show and Tell: Numerous projects were shown.
- Program: Dale Garrison (member) gave a presentation on how to construct a violin.
- Next Months Program will feature Saw Blade Sharpening.
- End of Report.