Roy Wall, Guild President, opened the July meeting by welcoming new members and guests. He mentioned that the guild picnic was a huge success, the weather was perfect and we had great turnout. He also mentioned that there were still some Missouri Wood Guides available to anyone who wanted one. Roy also reported that the library is accepting work from the guild members once again to be displayed in the glass show cases outside the meeting room. This is a great opportunity for the guild members to advertise our guild to the public. As a result of the displays, we had 2 guests join us during the meeting to find out more about us and ask “how do you do that?” It was fun to answer their questions.
2023 Membership Dues
We are still collecting dues for 2023 and still have new membership cards printed for existing members that have not claimed theirs yet. Dues for 2023 are now only $10.00 for the remainder of the year. If you haven’t had your picture taken for our membership directory, please see Roy Wall, Phil Morgan or Randy Stone at a future meeting.
Phil Morgan brought in an iGaging marking knife that he found for $7.99 at Rockler. He also mentioned he found a package of 6 on Amazon for only $12.00 and due to their price, he is able to place one at every workstation in his shop.

Harlen started off his program explaining that he is always looking for ways to use scrap wood left over from projects. During one of the Lee’s Summit woodworking Guild Meetings many years ago when the guild met at the church by the Walmart off of Highway 291, he saw some of our guild members bring in for show and tell their intarsia work. He went out and purchased a book by Kathy Wise called Intarsia for beginners and started working. Harlen was hooked.
Harlen mentioned that he likes the patterns from Judy Gale Roberts because her patterns not only number the pieces but provide recommended grain direction as well which is very helpful. He talked about how he enjoys intarsia because even if you mess upon one piece it’s ok, grab another piece of wood and cut another messing upon one piece does not destroy the entire project like what happens with so many other woodworking projects. To make his mosaics to 3 dimensional he will add a 1/8-inch piece of hardwood behind the one piece he wants to stand proud from the rest of the mosaic and if he wants a piece to have the texture of hair, he uses a fork. The last piece of important information he left the members with is how important it is to sand each piece so that each piece flows together smoothly across the mosaic, no sharp corners anywhere. That is what brings it all together.


The members once again brought is some of their own creations for show and tell including some remarkable jigs for cutting splines in boxes, beautiful wood and epoxy bowls, scroll saw work and small storage chest. It once again showed us all just what a talented membership we have. We are very blessed to be in the company of so many talented men and women. Some of their work can be viewed here.