President Roy Wall called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
General statements made by the President were:
1. GUILD DUES–Yearly dues for the rest of the year will be $10.00 (member receiving e-mail) for 2017and $25.00 for member wanting a paper copy (US MAIL). Note: John or Carol Freeland will be glad to get you signed up. Dues for 2018 being collected and are $20.00 (members receiving e-mail) and $25.00 for members wanting a paper copy (US MAIL).
2. CHARITABLE PROJECT – Thanks to those that have supported our charitable project “TOOLS FOR TEENS”. A portion of our dues go to this project.
3. SHOP TOURS – At present we are looking at 2018 to get something on the calendar-get your name on the SHOP TOUR list. We always learn something at these shops.
4. GUILD LOGO SHIRTS- HATS- Order your preferences now– check with Mel.
5. FACEBOOK– Available now – check with Greg.
6. PICTURE ROSTER- Official pictures are now available-if you have not had your picture taken please do so at the next meeting.
7. FIELD TRIP – Don’t forget to think of new places that we can visit that will expand our knowledge of wood working skills.
8. MEETING NOTICES – During bad weather tune to CHANNEL 41 for any cancellation.
9. GUEST/VISITORS – Attendance was 68. Welcome and please sign the registry (this gets you a copy of the Newsletter for the next two months).
SHOW AND TELL – Due to our special program this evening our SHOW & TELL will be abbreviated and only those projects that cannot be moved to next month will be shown. The following members elected to review their project tonight. Mike Chapman had a WALNUT ROCKER; Dale Garrison had a FINGER PLANER that will be donated to a school; Gale Markley had SEVERAL SEGMENTED BOWLS; Jeff LaDue had a CORNHOLE BOARD SET; Mike McReynolds had a CRYPTIC BOX. Hope we did not miss anyone’s project and remember you are entered in a raffle when you participate in SHOW & TELL.
PROGRAM –President Roy introduced Dr. Tony Jones who will be our speaker for tonight. Dr. Jones is the President of the Kansas City Art Institute and is a leading authority on Mackintosh Design. Charles Rennie Mackintosh Furniture and Architecture was the methods being employed during the years 1890 to 1930. Many of the modern practices being used today got their start from pioneers such as Frank Lloyd Wright. Dr. Jones gave a great presentation and could have gone on for several more hours (something we can possible revisit in the future). We thank Dr. Jones for giving of his time and sharing his wealth of knowledge in a field that gives each wood worker the drive to return to the shop. Don’t forget to help Vice President Greg Hull by keeping a lookout for anything that would be of interest to our members and thank him for his efforts to bring us a program each month.
CHRISTMAS MEETING- Don’t forget to bring your dinner and desert items. Bob Pressley doing the barbecue feast again this year – THANK him for his effort. NEXT MEETING –DECEMBER 12, 2017 at 6:30 pm. REMEMBER 6:30pm. President Roy closed the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bill Akers.

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