The May meeting of the Lee’s Summit Woodworkers guild had another excellent turn out with over 60 members in the room and another 4 joining remotely via Zoom.
Roy Wall, Guild president, briefed the membership that the board of directors authorized the purchase of a new web domain for the Guild website so that the Guild could create their own account with GoDaddy and assume control of the Guild Website.
Randy Stone, Board Member, presented to the membership several changes to the Guild bylaws recommended by the Guild Board of Directors. The changes brought the bylaws in line with the Guild’s Articles of incorporation with the State of Missouri and adjusted the language around dues and meeting schedules to allow for greater flexibility. The changes were voted on and approved by the Guild membership and can be found under the members only section of the Guild website.
2022 Membership Dues
If you haven’t paid your 2022 dues yet, please see John Freeland. Also, if you haven’t had your picture taken for our new membership directory, please see Phil Morgan at a future meeting.

Phil found a great deal on the The Hedgehog featherboard and purchased several so he could bring the great deal to the membership – they sold out fast. It has a single knob and single pivot point so it’s quick to set up and simple to adjust. Work safer. Work smarter. Phil bought several
There was no program this month due to Guild business.

This month’s show and tell was focused on Jig’s and Fixtures where the members brought in several handmade jigs that help in the shop. jay Helland also brought to the meeting a special guest, Emily from Lee’s Summit North High School. Jay has been working with Emilly over the past few months teaching her bowl turning techniques and other bowl design concepts. Emily brought to Show-and-Tell one of her first segmented, tulip ring bowls and described to the membership how she did it. She did a magnificent job!