Roy Wall, Guild President, reminded the membership that we will be holding our June meeting and picnic at a large shelter off of Blackwell Road on the 13th of June. The guild will provide burgers, hotdogs, and bottled water and the members are asked to bring a side dish or desert – especially pie, our President really likes his pie! Members were also reminded that no alcoholic beverages are allowed.
Randy Stone briefed the membership that a new page has been added to the members only section of the guild website. The new page is called Tips, Tricks, and Jigs and contains instructional videos from some of our members. The most recent is a video from Jay Helland introducing the “L” Fence.
Jay Helland is holding an open shop at his house on Saturday May 13th from 0800 to 1100. No sign up necessary just stop by.
2023 Membership Dues
We are still collecting dues for 2023 and still have new membership cards printed for existing members that have not claimed theirs yet. Dues for 2023 are still only $20.00 for the year. If you haven’t had your picture taken for our membership directory, please see Roy Wall or Phil Morgan at a future meeting.

Phil Morgan brought in a 4-piece set of 82 degree Single Zero Flute Countersink Chamfering bits. He explained why this style of countersink bit is far superior to the Rose Pattern countersink bits and how the zero Flute bits produce an ultra-smooth and perfectly round countersink. He found his at Taylor Tool works and reminded the members that we still get a discount. The set is well worth the $32.99. The link to Taylor Tool is HERE.
7 Essential Jigs & Fixtures with Jim Mullen
Our guest presenter was fellow guild member Jim Mullen who presented the jigs he built based off of the article on the “7 Shop Jigs for Better Woodworking” he found on the Familyhandyman web site. The 7 jigs he brought in were the Bridle Joint Jig, Splining Jig, Door and Drawer Pull Jig, Picture Framing Jig, Half Lap Jig, sacrificial fence with replaceable insert, and a story stick with end stop. Jim described how all the jigs have proven to be very useful in his shop and that he was able to produce all of them using scraps from other projects. Total out of pocket cost was under $70 for all seven jigs. You can find the original article and plans for the jigs at the FamilyHandyman web site.


The members once again brought is some of their own Jig and fixtures for show and tell in addition to some remarkable clocks, small boxes and a beautiful table with matching stools. It once again showed us all just what a talented membership we have. We are very blessed to be in the company of so many talented men and women. Some of their work can be viewed here or on our Facebook page here.