Roy Wall, Guild President, reminded the membership that we will be holding our June meeting and picnic at a large shelter off of Blackwell Road on the 13th of June.  The guild will provide burgers, hotdogs, and drinks and the members are asked to bring a side dish or desert.  

The hand screw clamps build project at Phil Morgan’s house was a huge success and Phil needs to be commended for the time and energy he put into building the jigs and organizing his shop so several people could all be working at the same time.  Unfortunately, the attendees ran out of time and had to finish their projects at home.  A big thank you to Phil being the first member (mentor) to step forward and lead a guild build project.  We look forward to others in the guild taking on this opportunity to impact the membership in a positive way.  Interested members need to reach out to Either Roy Wall or Phil Morgan.

2023 Membership Dues

We are now collecting dues for 2023 and already have new membership cards printed for existing members. Dues for 2023 are still only $20.00 for the year.  If you haven’t had your picture taken for our membership directory, please see Roy Wall or Phil Morgan at a future meeting.


This month Phil brought in a pocket size 3 inch caliper made by general tool. The caliper is perfect for those small jobs in the shop and with it easily fitting in the pocket of your shop aprin you always have it at your fingertips. The caliper is less than 10 dollars and can be found on Amazon.


Hand Made Saws with Jared Greene

Our guest presenter was Jared Greene a self-taught saw maker formally of South Carolina but recently relocated to Ohio.  He has not been taking orders since December 2022 but is planning a grand re-opening in June or July of 2023.  He is bringing on additional staff and equipment capable of producing the highest quality of saws for his customers in a timely manner.  Jared did an excellent job explaining the saw-making process with suggestions on what type of saws to invest in if your budget only allows for one or two saws.  Guild members had the opportunity to ask questions and he explained how his progressive-tooth sharpening methods were well received by his customers and the importance of a saw’s “Hang”. In closing, Jared discussed his saw’s logo and wording etched on the blade and how it honored the saw makers of the past while promoting his commitment to quality.  You can view his work by visiting his website at


The members once again brought is some fabulous creations for show and tell and showed us all just what a talented membership we have. We are very blessed to be in the company of so many talented men and women. Some of their work can be viewed here.

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