Roy Wall, Guild President, opened the July meeting by welcoming new members and guests. Roy also announced that we had several tools for sale from one of our former guild members who recently passed away. The guild members wasted no time in snapping them up. Phil Morgan, Guild Vice President, reminded the membership that the next guild meeting is “Scrap Savvy September” and encouraged the membership to bring in those projects where scraps from other projects were used. He also highlighted for that the September program will be another installment of different types of finishes and has enlisted the aid of some of our members to talk about a particular finish they like to use.
2023 Membership Dues
We are still collecting dues for 2023 and still have new membership cards printed for existing members that have not claimed theirs yet. Dues for 2023 are now only $10.00 for the remainder of the year. If you haven’t had your picture taken for our membership directory, please see Roy Wall, Phil Morgan or Randy Stone at a future meeting.

Phil Morgan brought in a Triton 3 ¼HP Dual Mode Precision Plunge Router. This Phil’s find was a little unusual because as many of you know Phil usually brings in less expensive tools, but this find although more expensive than usual is still worth every cent. Phil explained how one of his two routers wasn’t running as it should and was getting hot and it became clear there was an issue with the motor. Although Phil had purchased the router almost a year prior and did not recall ever filling out the warranty paper work, the company stood by their product. They paid to have the router returned to them and instead of just repairing the router they sent him a new replacement. Triton earned a customer for life! Nice find!
Table design with Dan Calvert
Dan started off his program explaining how he worked as a cabinet maker living in Hawaii and moved back to the Lee’s Summit area several years ago. One day he was asked by an acquaintance if he would be able to build her a table, a very big table. She asked him to come out to a local furniture store so she could show him what she had in mind, except bigger, much bigger. The reason for the very large table was that she had two children and she did not want them to fight over the table when she was gone. The table had to be constructed in a way that it was actually two tables but looked like a single table when put together. Dan accepted the challenge and developed several jigs that enabled him to create the table legs. He took what is actually a simple design for each leg (being a single post) and added decorative elements to make something simple very elegant. Dan also brought in another table that was just as stunning and described how he was able to create each wedge of the table and then wrap it using then strips of solid wood glued and pressed to make the outer ring. The patience and craftsmanship is evident from every angle. Beautiful work!

The members once again brought is some of their own creations for show and tell including some remarkable jigs for cutting splines in boxes, beautiful wood and epoxy bowls, scroll saw work and small storage chest. It once again showed us all just what a talented membership we have. We are very blessed to be in the company of so many talented men and women. Some of their work can be viewed here.