The Woodworking Show coming to KC
The Woodworking Show will be held at the KCI Expo Center near KCI Airport on January 17-19, 2020. Tickets are $14 ($12 in advance) and good for all three days. Activity duty Military/Fire/Police free with ID (That may also apply to veterans, but website isn’t clear on that). More info at
Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Hand Tool Event at KC Guild
The Kansas City Woodworkers Guild will be hosting a Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Hand Tool event on January 17-18. It will be at 3189 Mercier St, Kansas City, MO 64111 and the hours will be Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-5pm.
DIY Tall Featherboard – Member Joe Fuller shared his idea for a tall featherboard by combining two standard ones. Great idea Joe!
FREE book on organizing your shop and beyond – Ready to simplify and organize your woodshop, home and life for 2020? Here’s a great resource from FastCap founder, Paul Akers.
Free download at
Gale Markley Leonard Pearce Robert Boehner Don Gates Randy Bray Gary Barth
Randy Stone Randy Stone Shawn Waskiewicz Shawn Waskiewicz Charles Chappelle Charles Chappelle Curt Tyhurst Curt Tyhurst Ben Simmons John Wolf John Wolf John Wolf Bob Rubin Bob Rubin Bob Rubin Bob Rubin Jay Helland Jay Helland
Our guest this month was Canadian YouTube woodworker Colin Knecht. There was a great turnout to hear Colin share his story and some favorite tools and jigs. Links to the tools he mentioned are below. Thanks Colin for sharing your time and expertise with us!
Tools that changed Colin’s Woodworking experience:
(Fastcap also has Lefty/Righty options on many of their tape measures)
Analine stain – There are many companies that make this, Google search for others.
Find/follow Colin at and YouTube.