President Roy Wall called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. NOTE: The in-person meetings are now held at the Colbern Road Library Conference Room at 1000 Colbern Road, Lees Summit on the Second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. The ZOOM meeting information will be available in an EMAIL sent out to members by President Roy.
General statements made by the President were:
- GUILD DUES- Yearly dues for 2022 will be $20.00 (members receiving EMAIL) and $25.00 for members wanting a paper copy (US MAIL). Note: John or Carol Freeland will be glad to get you registered.
- CHARITABLE PROJECT- Thanks to those that are supporting the “TOOLS FOR TEENS” and a portion of your dues go toward this project that has a large impact on our school children.
- GUILD SHIRTS/HATS -Order yours now from Arlie Reimer.
- PICTURE ROSTER- Official pictures are now available-if you have not had your picture taken, please do so-See Phil Morgan.
- MEETING NOTICES-During bad weather tune to CHANNEL 41 for any cancellation.
- MEMBERS/GUESTS- Attendance was 41 with 3 visitors at the library and 21 on ZOOM.
Phil Morgan had several wood plaques; Harold Young had two segmented bowls; Bob Rubin had scroll sawn plaque of a buck and a fawn and a celtic cross; Curt Tyhurst had a relief carving of a buffalo nickel; Dale Kunz had a wall hanging and a segmented bowl; Larry McFerrin had a keepsake box and Jim McCord had a Jewelry box. Hope we did not miss anyone’s project.
PROGRAM: This month’s program was on ZOOM and featured Mike Cobb who is well known as a coworker at Woodcraft and his sales days with Delta. Mike introduced us to his latest venture into the tool world through his moniker as WOODBUTCHER TOOL SALES. Mikes experience over the years put him in the position to create his tool estate sales business that allows him to provide expert advice as to the sales of your personal tools that can best be priced for his auction business. All sales are cash only and he arranges and advertises the auction-the location is advertised on sale day only.
If anyone wishes to contact Mike, he can be reached at mbcobb5@gmail.com. It was a pleasure having Mike as our presenter and hope we can see him at a future sale.
PHIL’S FINDS: Rockler Tadpole Tape Cutters that attach to various tape rolls and allows for easy tape cutting and length needed while keeping the cut end easily available for the next job. Several sizes are available to fit various tape rolls.
PROJECT DISPLAY CABINET: The library has offered a glass display cabinet for the members to show off their Show & Tell projects. Projects would be on display for about a month and would be identified as LSWG items with a plaque designed and made by Phil Morgan and an identification card designed by John Freeland indicating the owner. In this manner patrons to the library would be introduced to the LSWG and hopefully become members.
IN MEMORY: Danny Jibsen who just recently rejoined the LSWG passed away on January 29 and our deepest sympathy goes out to the family.
NEXT MEETING: THURSDAY. JANUARY 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM (at the LIBRARY and on ZOOM).
President Roy closed the meeting at 8:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted-
Bill Akers-Secretary