Vice President Greg Hull welcomed all to our January meeting (President Roy is vacationing in COASTA RICA). Please take note of the General Statements usually made by the President.
1. General statements made by the President are: GUILD DUES–Yearly dues for 2020 being collected and are $20.00 (members receiving e-mail) and $25.00 for members wanting a paper copy (US MAIL). See CAROL or JOHN FREEHAND to get signed up.
2. CHARITABLE PROJECT – Thanks to those that have supported our charitable project “TOOLS FOR
TEENS” . A portion of our dues go to to this project.
- SHOP TOURS – At present we are looking at 2020 to get something on the calendar-get your name on the SHOP TOUR list. We always learn something at these shops.
- GUILD LOGO SHIRTS- HATS- Order your preferences now– check with ARLIE REIMER.
- FACEBOOK– Available now – check with Greg Hull.
- PICTURE ROSTER- Official pictures are now available-if you have not had your picture taken please do so at the next meeting.
- FIELD TRIP – Don’t forget to think of new places that we can visit that will expand our knowledge of wood working skills.
- MEETING NOTICES – During bad weather tune to CHANNEL 41 for any cancellation.
- GUEST/VISITORS – Attendance was 68. Welcome and please sign the registry (this gets you a copy of the Newsletter for the next two months).
SHOW AND TELL – Jay Helland had a TOOL STORAGE CABINET (full of interesting tools); Bob Rubin had a SCROLL SAWN TRAIN PUZZLE and SEVERAL WOOD MODEL CARS; John Wolf had SEVERAL CARVED FIGURINES AND TWO AS BOTTLE STOPPERS; Ben Simmons had SEVERAL TURNED CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS; Curt Tyhurst had CARVED CROPPIE AND PATRIOTIC EAGLE PLAQUES; Charles Chappelle had a KEY HANGER and a SHOT GLASS COLLECTION CASE; Shawn Waskiewicz had TWO BARREL STORAGE BOXES; Randy Stone had TWO STORAGE BOXES WITH US FORESTRY EMBLEMS; Gary Barth had a SEGMENTED BOWL (walnut); Randy Bray had a GUN CASE(made by Grandfather); Don Gates had a CARPENTER SAW CANE; Robert Boehner a HEDGE BIRD FEEDER; Leonard Pierce had a MINI WOODEN PLANE; Gale Markley had a SEGMENTED LACED BOWL. Hope we did not miss anyone’s project and remember you are entered in a raffle when you participate in SHOW & TELL.
PROGRAM –The program for tonight was brought to us tonight through the efforts of Phil Morgan. He introduced Colin Knecht who comes to us from Canada and is a featured speaker at the WOODWORKING SHOW here in Kansas City. Colin is a YOU TUBE WOODWORKER who has hundreds of articles and videos available for review. Colin went thru his background and how he has adjusted to his life as a woodworker. He introduced our members to the “RIGHT HANDED TAPE MEASURE”. Get one for your eye-opening experience. THANKS to Colin for putting us on his schedule and we will see him on YOU TUBE. Thanks to Phil and give Greg Hull a call if you are aware of a program.
NEXT MEETING –FEBRUARY 11, 2020 at 7:00pm.
Vice President Greg closed the gathering at 9:00 p.m..
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Akers .