Roy Wall, Guild President, opened the meeting by warmly welcoming everyone and recognizing the visitors. Roy talked about the “CHARM” shop and that he and Randy Stone have been working for about the past month on cleaning and pricing all the tools. Roy mentioned the sale is tentatively scheduled for August 17th, the first Saturday after the August Guild Meeting. A spreadsheet of all the available tools will be posted to the For Sale page on the Guild Website (members only) so if anyone is interested in one of the tools, they can text Roy to let him know.
Jon Starek Announced that he is moving to a retirement community in Iowa and is giving his tools away to anyone in the guild who is interested. You must come and get them within the week though.
Roy also mentioned that Bill Akers’ celebration of life will be at his home Sunday the 21st of July 12 PM to 3PM. A MailChimp will be sent out providing additional information.
Roy briefed to the guild membership that our video switcher died, and we needed to purchase another in order to be able to run the meeting. The issue is that the purchase price was more than the board is authorized to spend without taking a vote from the membership, but due to necessity the board agreed to make the purchase and then brief the membership. Roy took a vote from the membership on approving the purchase and the vote was unanimous in support of the purchase.
Dues – John Freeland announced that dues have dropped to half price and that he still has several membership cards and badges that have not been picked up.

Phil brought in a bowl sanding kit he found on Amazon from Fulton Tool. The kit comes with 129 pieces and uses hook and loop technology and is perfect for Sanding curved surfaces like wooden bowls can be challenging and can take a long time to finish when sanding by hand. Sanding your project by hand can also cause fatigue and produce unsatisfactory results. The ¼” shank sanding mandrels have a thick padded base that conforms to concave or convex surfaces. Simply secure the mandrel into a variable speed drill or flexible shaft and you’re ready to go.
PROGARM – Harvey Woodworking Tools

Harvey Woodworking presented to the guild membership several new and innovative features of their woodworking tool line up. There new Stainless Table saw and bandsaw drew a lot of attention from the membership in addition their new “Big Eye” rip fence sparked a lot of interest. Harvey Woodworking also talked about their Dust Processing System and demonstrated for the guild how quite it is and how many small shop woodworkers build it into their cabinets or place it under a work bench due its design is far different the other dust collection systems on the market. The representatives from Harvey also talked about their Bridge City tools and the many innovative and quality products they have under that name. The Guild was very impressed with the quality of the tools and the innovative designs. Many of the guild members talked about what a battle it is to stop your table tops from rusting and why didn’t someone think of nickel plating them before?

The guild members once again brought in their incredible creations and shared the stories for how they created the projects with the members. Some of their work can be viewed here.