President Roy Wall opened the June 2022 meeting with a special greeting to all new members of 2022. Since we have 20-30+ new members, an invitation was extended to them to meet at Panera Bread on Douglas Street the following Saturday after the meeting. This is a way of getting to know our new members a bit better and find out their woodworking interests. Of course… all established members were also welcomed to join for a little “COFFEE CHAT” about woodworking and our Guild!!

Additionally, we held a time for Diana Bray to come up and speak for her husband Randy that was tragically lost in a boating accident on May 19th, 2022. Several of Randy’s turnings needed to be finished up and the membership quickly accepted the projects to get done in their shops. We are all saddened at the Guild as Randy was always helping out and making woodworking projects for friends, family, and charitable causes. He will always be remembered and Diana our prayers are with you. Information is below about his service:
A celebration of life ceremony will be held at the American Legion post 21 on June 16th from 3 to 7pm. Address is 16701 E US Hwy 40 Independence, MO 64055. In lieu of flowers please make a donation to the American Legion Riders chapter 21 in memory of Randy Bray.
2022 Membership Dues
If you haven’t paid your 2022 dues yet, please see John Freeland. Also, if you haven’t had your picture taken for our membership directory, please see Phil Morgan or Roy Wall at a future meeting.
Phil Morgan has once again found another highly useful tool for the woodshop and has taken the time to reach out to the manufacturer to see if they would be willing to give the Guild membership a discount. Thanks to Phil’s effort, Micro Jig is offering the Guild membership 10% off and free shipping on their new FITFINDER ½ Gauge. The video on the new jig can be found here.


This month’s presentation was with Mr. Garret Hack – Furniture Maker & Teacher
Garrett Hack’s earliest memories were of sawing and hammering, so naturally after pursuing civil engineering and architecture at Princeton over forty years ago he became a furniture maker. Later study at Boston University’s Program in Artisanry influenced his style of contemporary designs based on classic forms. Internationally known, his work and Federal-inspired brick shop have been featured in The New York Times,Preservation, Home Furniture, New Hampshire Home, and Fine Woodworking, where he is a contributing editor and regular writer about design and craftsmanship.
Garrett offers private instruction in his shop, for a few hours or for a project over several days. He teaches classes throughout the country, and in Canada, Germany, England, Italy, Spain, Austria, Australia, and Japan. He is former chairman of the New Hampshire Furniture Masters and has written The Handplane Book and Classic Hand Tools (Taunton Press, 1997, 1999).
Garret spent over an hour with guild teaching about different types of details that he uses when building furniture. He showed how to make our own cutters for making beads and inlays in wood and provided the guild valuable insight as to why he prefers hand tools when creating the fine details in his furniture. Garret finished his time with us by giving the guild a shop tour, answering questions and talked about the different tools he uses in his day-to-day furniture making.
Members can watch the program in its entirety here.
The members once again brought is some fabulous creations for show and tell and showed us all just what a talented membership we have. We are very blessed to be in the company of so many talented men and women. Some of their work can be viewed here or on our Facebook page.