Jim Dunlap (AIA) provided Guild members a wonderful presentation covering the 10 plus year-period of architecture know as Prairie Style.  He brought alone his entire library of books, reprints of original hand-drawn designs of Frank Lloyd Wright and 100  photos of the masters of this period.  Jim presentation was inspiring and his passion for this style of architecture is infectious!

Thank You!

Jay Helland


Jim Dunlap








President Roy Wall welcomed all and called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. General statements made by the President were:

  1. GUILD DUES–Yearly dues will be $20.00 (member receiving e-mail) for 2016 and remain at $25.00 for member wanting a paper copy (US MAIL). Note: John or Carol Freeland will be glad to get you signed up. Dues are being collected for 2016.
  2. CHARITABLE PROJECT – Thanks to those that have supported our charitable project “TOOLS FOR TEENS”. We will continue to support this project and provide tools that will have an impact on many lives.
  3. SHOP TOURS – At present we are looking at 2016 to get something on the calendar-get your name on the SHOP TOUR list. We always learn something at these shops.
  4.  GUILD LOGO SHIRTS- HATS- Order your preferences now– check with Mel.
  5. FACEBOOK– Available now – check with Greg.
  6. PICTURE ROSTER- Official pictures are now available-if you have not had your picture taken please do so at the next meeting.
  7. FIELD TRIP – Don’t forget to think of new places that we can visit that will expand our knowledge of wood working skills.
  8. MEETING NOTICES – During bad weather tune to CHANNEL 41 for any cancellation.
  9. GUEST/VISITORS – Attendance was 67. Welcome and please sign the registry (this gets you a copy of the Newsletter for the next two months).

“TOOLS FOR TEENS” guidelines were presented to the membership as revised by the BOARD and were accepted by the membership (Lees Summit R7 School District will be our commitment).

SHOW AND TELL: Harold Young had a SEGMENTED VASE; Bob Rubin had a GOLDFISH INTARSIA; Curt Tyhurst had a CHERRY TRAY; Jay Helland  had a SEGMENTED VASE and a SEGMENTED BOX; Bob Pressly USED UP SOME MORE WALNUT IN HIS VESSEL; Carol Freeland had a CNC CARVED “BOO” SIGN; Dave Clark had a HUMIDOR to be gifted: Dale Kuntz had his FIRST SEGMENTED POT (for POT??); Bob Perry had an INTARSIA BRONCO RIDER; Bryan Appleton had SKATE BOARDS and a HISTORY LESSON; Gale Markley had a BOWL; Geo Mann had TROUT CUTTING BOARD and PICTURES FRAMES. Hope we did not miss someone’s project. Remember you are entered into a drawing if you participate in SHOW & TELL.

PROGRAM: President Roy introduced Jim Dunlap (one of our own) who looks at wood and other building materials from the credentials of an ARCHITECT. Tonight he will give us his view of “PRAIRE STYLE”. We see a lot of this building style in the Kansas City area and its birthplace in Illinois and Wisconsin. These structures are always unique but held true to a design that was FRANK LLYOD WRIGHT and others of his era. An hour was not time to tell the whole story but I’am sure we will get the REST OF THE STORY. Look for Jim to be a participant in the future. This was a story from the heart-no notes!!We always appreciate a member taking of their time to bring us a program. Don’t forget to help Vice President Greg Hull in locating programs that will allow our calendar to stay full.

WOODWORKERS SHOW: April 8,9,10-Check the sign-up sheet (call John Freeland).

NEXT MEETING –APRIL 12, 2016 at 7:00p.m.

President Roy closed the meeting at 9:00 p.m..

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Akers  .

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