Roy Wall, Guild President, opened the meeting by welcoming new members and guests. During the meeting, several members offered various tools for sale, with the proceeds going toward the “Tools for Teens” program.
Roy also reminded everyone that the picnic is next month in the same location we had it last year. The starting time is 6PM not our normal 7PM. Members are to bring a side dish or desert and your desired beverage. NO alcoholic beverages are allowed.
Tools for Teens:
Bob Pressley reached out to each of the industrial arts teachers in the Lee’s Summit School district and informed them that the Guild had $1,500 dollars to donate to the industrial arts programs, specifically for the wood shop classes, to assist in purchasing tools. Only one of the schools responded to Bob and therefore the guild board of directors voted to award all $1,500 to the one school. We will post pictures of what they purchased in a later update.
2024 Membership Dues:
We are still collecting dues for 2024 and the dues remain at $20 for 2024. John announced that he still has member ID badges along with annual wallet cards that have not been picked up. Please see John Freeland if you have not picked up your 2024 membership card. If you haven’t had your picture taken for our membership directory, please see Roy Wall, Phil Morgan or Randy Stone at a future meeting.

Phil brought in Cowryman 040 Router Plane Handheld Grooving Tool for Cutting Dados Grooves Mortise with 8MM Blade. Phil purchased this router plane for use in his shop and is very impressed with the quality, especially for the price. The Cowryman router plane can be found on Amazon for only $89.00.
The May program was all about Jigs and Fixtures used by the guild members. Dan Chapman led us off with 4 different jigs that he designed one of which was a sled that enables you to make 45-degree edge cuts without ever tilting the saw blade. Another jig he brought in enables the user to consistently cut extremely thin pieces of wood to the exact same thickness using a sled that only needs to be adjusted once. He also brought in a jig that uses magnets and a foam pipe insulator to apply pressure to a board as you are resawing it so your cut is consistent throughout the cut.

For the second part of the program Randy Stone gave a short briefing on the guild’s website and some of the changes that have been made. He highlighted all the how to content on the site and showed the members where on the site it can be found. Randy also informed the membership that thanks to Mel Bryan he had been made aware that the automated reset password feature of the website had stopped working and that it was working now. Several members relayed that they were not able to retrieve their user names and therefore were not able to reset their passwords. After further investigation it was determined that these members were never added to the website when they joined the guild.
The guild members once again brought in their incredible creations and shared the stories for how they created the projects with the members. The pictures of the show and tell projects can be viewed here.