Roy Wall, Guild President, opened the October meeting by welcoming new members and guests. Elections for the President, Vice President and all board members were held with all previous members of the Guild Leadership being reelected to their current positions.
Roy also announced that we had several tools for sale. Phil Morgan has a Duracraft Drill Press (16 speed, ¾ horse motor) for $195. Mel Bryan has a Delta Lathe that needs new bearings and is free to anyone who can come get it. Michael Straughn is helping a friend of his sell her deceased husband’s woodworking tools and has a Jet Lathe with a few smaller tools of good quality remaining. Give Michael a call if interested.
2024 Membership Dues
We are now collecting dues for 2024 and the dues remain at $20 for 2024. If you haven’t had your picture taken for our membership directory, please see Roy Wall, Phil Morgan or Randy Stone at a future meeting.

Shawn brought in a Fastcap Fatboy Mechanical Carpenter Pencil that has three colors of interchangeable lead perfect for marking any color of wood. Only $16.89 on Amazon.
Our own Ben Simmons and Phil Morgan presented on seven key points every woodworker needs to consider when pricing and selling their work. One of the overall things to remember is to not let your hobby become a job if you’re not ready to start pricing and selling your work. To recap the presentation, here are the main points;
- Don’t Let Love Get in the Way – That is to say don’t fall in love with every piece you make and don’t under estimate its value, just because you enjoy something doesn’t it mean it doesn’t have value.
- Break it Down to Hourly – Relate what you’re earning to an actual salary.
- Act Like a Company – You’re in charge of your own raise
- Some Numbers are Similar – $35 doesn’t feel that different than $25. So don’t be afraid to raise your price. If it doesn’t sell, you can always lower it later.
- Unique Items Deserve Unique Prices – Pricing comparison shopping won’t be a problem if there are few similar products.
- Experiment with Your Price – Try adding 10% to your price. 40% of the people are going to be turned away from your product due to pricing and that is OK. If you are selling everything to everyone who comes along then you are working too cheap.
- Go Fast with New Business, Slow with Old – New customers assume your price is the going rate. Spend time with your established customers and its good to price things differently with them to show your appreciation. Friends should pay full price; you shouldn’t feel pressured into giving them a discount.
- When friends or family ask you to make something for them there are three non-threatening words you can ask to establish that you will do the work but it won’t be for free. Those three words are “What’s Your Budget?”

The members once again brought is some of their own creations for show and tell including some remarkable Christmas Ornaments, segmented bowls and character carvings. It once again showed us all just what a talented membership we have. We are very blessed to be in the company of so many talented men and women. Some of their work can be viewed here.