President Roy Wall called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
- General statements made by the President were: GUILD DUES–Yearly dues for 2019 being collected and are $20.00 (members receiving e-mail) and $25.00 for members wanting a paper copy (US MAIL). See CAROL or JOHN FREEHAND to get signed up.
- CHARITABLE PROJECT – Thanks to those that have supported our charitable project “TOOLS FOR
TEENS” . A portion of our dues go to to this project.
- SHOP TOURS – At present we are looking at 2019 to get something on the calendar-get your name on the SHOP TOUR list. We always learn something at these shops.
- GUILD LOGO SHIRTS- HATS- Order your preferences now– check with ARLIE REIMER.
- FACEBOOK– Available now – check with Greg Hull.
- PICTURE ROSTER- Official pictures are now available-if you have not had your picture taken please do so at the next meeting.
- FIELD TRIP – Don’t forget to think of new places that we can visit that will expand our knowledge of wood working skills.
- MEETING NOTICES – During bad weather tune to CHANNEL 41 for any cancellation.
- GUEST/VISITORS – Attendance was 68. Welcome and please sign the registry (this gets you a copy of the Newsletter for the next two months).
Bob Rubin had SEVERAL FRET SAWN CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS; Preston Goodwin had a DECK CHAIR (his design); Jim McCord had FOUR boxes with ART DECO FEATURES; Leonard Pearce had a SPINDLE GAUGE and a ROUTER PLANER: Dale Kunz had a SPIRAL DISK. Hope we did not miss anyone’s project and remember you are entered in a raffle when you participate in SHOW & TELL.
PROGRAM –President Roy stated that the program for tonight would be presented by Leonard Hastings who comes to us from Wichita, KS . Les is a self taught wood worker who started his career in his dads workshop about the age of nine. He and his fellow wood workers are known throughout the United States for their designs and quality workmanship. Some customers never ask for a bid on a project but in the end are willing to pay the cost. Tonight he will go through the items that he brought with him which includes his MEAN WORK BENCH. Also he has a foldable workbench that you can stick under your arm and head for the next project. He stated that his projects are as small as a toothpick and as large as requiring a good sized crane to move. Les stated he would be willing to help anyone that needs some instruction on their project. Thanks to Les and we look forward to more of his projects in the future .Don’t forget to help Vice President Greg Hull by keeping a lookout for anything that would be of interest to our members and thank him for his efforts to bring us a program each month.
VENEER-MAPLE and WALNUT for sale in Kansas City (TAYLOR) 785-393-3384 (C).
NEXT MEETING –NOVEMBER 13, 2018 at 7:00 pm.
President Roy closed the meeting at 9:00 p.m..
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Akers .