President Roy Wall called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.                                                          General statements made by the Vice President were:

  1. GUILD DUES–Half year dues will be $10.00 (member receiving e-mail) for 2015 and remain at $25.00 for member wanting a paper copy (US MAIL). Note: John or Carol Freeland will be glad to get you signed up. Dues are being collected for 2015.
  2. CHARITABLE PROJECT – Thanks to those that have supported our charitable project “TOOLS FOR TEENS”. We will continue to support this project and provide tools that will have an impact on many lives.
  3. SHOP TOURS – At present we are looking toward 2016 to get something on the calendar-get your name on the SHOP TOUR list. We always learn something at these shops.
  4.  GUILD LOGO SHIRTS- HATS- Order your preferences now– check with Mel.
  5. FACEBOOK– Available now – check with Greg.
  6. PICTURE ROSTER- Official pictures are now available-if you have not had your picture taken please do so at the next meeting.
  7. FIELD TRIP – Don’t forget our big trip and meeting to the “DR. DALE CHAPMAN BARBEQUE and SHOP TOUR” for our NOVEMBER meeting.
  8. MEETING NOTICES – During bad weather tune to CHANNEL 41 for any cancellation.
  9. GUEST/VISITORS – Attendance was 52. Welcome and please sign the registry (this gets you a copy of the Newsletter for the next two months).

SHOW AND TELL: Leonard Shackles had a CARVED SANTA; Bob Rubin  had a SCROLLSAWN TROUT PUZZLE, FISH OUT OF WATER, VASE & FLOWERS; Bill Wilkerson had SCROLLSAWN CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS; Bud Collins had CRAFTED SLEDS; Bryan Appleton had HAND SAWS, SAW VISE & FILES; Ron Neidinger had a VASE; Carol Freeland had a CNC SIGN(her first); Gale Markley had a TURNED LIGHTHOUSE; John Wolf had a CARVED SKULL & a SANTA; Logan Steele had TWO SEGMENTED BOWLS; Harold Young had a SEGMENTED BOWL & a CUTTING BOARD; Lyman Hannah had a DOUBLE ARM SLED & PICTURES OF ADVENT CANDLE STAND; Jim McCord had a COLLECTORS CASE; Mike McReynolds had a SEGMENTED IRONMAN BOWL; Pansy Legall had a WALNUT BOWL & a CHERRY BASKET; Mikeal Jones had an END TABLE. Hope we did not miss anyone’s project and remember you are entered in a raffle when you participate in SHOW & TELL.

PROGRAM –President Roy and others had the floor this month as the featured speakers as they reviewed the sessions they attended at the WOODWORKERS OF AMERICA SHOW. Each presentation was abbreviated to allow time for each member to give the highlights of what was presented at their particular session. As time goes on we will probable be entertained with several detailed programs. We thank all our members for sharing their information gathered and look forward to using some of the ideas put forward. Don’t forget to help Vice President Greg Hull by keeping a lookout for anything that would be of interest to our members and thank him for his efforts to bring us a program each month.


President Roy closed the meeting at 9:00 p.m..

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Akers

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