2020 Dues are due by the end of December!
If you want to mail in your 2020 dues, send them to John Freeland. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope and he will mail your membership card. The dues are $20.00, $5.00 of which goes to Tools for Teens. Make out the check to LSWG.
New Searchable Member Photo Directory is online
Take a minute to check your listing for accuracy and information in the members-only area. If you don’t have a recent picture or haven’t filled out the recent member survey, please take care of that at the next meeting. For any corrections, additions or questions, contact Phil Morgan.
KAPRO 313 Measure Mate – Phil shared the ultimate ruler for picture hanging and so much more.
Member Leonard Pearce brought in a super bright adjustable LED sewing machine light with magnetic base.
We were treated to a video and slide tour of Master Woodworker David Clark’s impressive workshop.